Italy's 2023 Seasonal Work Visa Process: 44,000 Seasonal Visas Up for Grabs

  Italy's 2023 Seasonal Work Visa Process: 44,000 Seasonal Visas Up for Grabs

The Italian Seasonal Work Visa Process for 2023 operates on an annual quota system determined by the Italian Government. In the year 2023, a total of 44,000 seasonal work permits will be made available through Decreto Flussi 2023. This allocation aims to provide opportunities for a maximum number of non-European nationals to obtain seasonal visas. The deadline for submitting your visa application at the Italian Embassy for seasonal work is December 31, 2023.

Under this visa, you are permitted to engage in seasonal employment in Italy under the sponsorship of your employer. Initially, your seasonal work permit will be issued for a duration of 9 months. Renewal options for the seasonal worker residence permit are available in case of new opportunities for seasonal employment. Italy stands out as the sole European country offering a substantial number of seasonal job openings. Below, we provide further insights into the Italy Seasonal Work Visa Process for 2023.

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